Rich Massage oil with Eulayptus

Main ingredients

Argan oil
Grapeseeds oil
Eucalyptus essential oil

Benefits and How to use:

Excellent mixture of Moroccan Argan oil , grapseed oil and eucalyptus essential oil that makes your skin and hair healthier. Use it on clean skin
and hair.
Eucalyptus essential oil has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. It is also well known for its ability to fight bacterial, viral
and fungal infections, and to help clear the respiratory tract of built up mucus. For these reasons
Improve respiratory conditions : it helps to stimulate your immune system, provide antioxidant protection and improve your respiratory
Relieve cough : it works as an expectorant, cleansing your body of the microorganisms and toxins that are making you cough and feel lousy.
Improve seasonal allergies : eucalyptus oil not only exhibits antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, but it may also have
immuno-regulatory effects.
Fight infections : have antimicrobial effects against many strains of bacteria, viruses and fungi
Reduce pain and inflammation : When it’s used topically on the skin, eucalyptus can help to reduce muscle pain, soreness and swelling.
Alleviate headaches : it may alleviate sinus pressure that can cause a lot of pain and tension
Aid wound care : it works as a great tool for skin irritations such as wounds, cuts, burns, sores and even insect bites.
Improve earaches : works as an expectorant that helps to unclog your respiratory tract and has antimicrobial properties
Boost mental clarity: The essential oil blend also had muscle-relaxing and mentally relaxing effects.

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